ABC+ Staff Trip Report User Guide

This report should be completed together with the Project Travel Expenses Report attached with the approved Travel Authorization Request. Both should be sent together to the supervisor. The financial processing and payment of the Travel Expense Report requires the supervisor’s signature or approval of the Trip Report.
The Trip Report is to be used for in-country travel as well as out of country travel. Generally, whenever a Travel Authorization Request is issued, a Trip Report would be expected for that trip.

Note: This trip report allows you to document more than one activity conducted during the same trip.




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Please include promising practices, story vignettes, good quotes that can be used for ABC+ publications, social media and the QPR.

Note: If you wish to add another activity to your trip report click "Finish" and then "Save and Add Activity".

ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines is a project of the Department of Education (DepEd) in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by RTI International, together with The Asia Foundation, SIL LEAD and Florida State University.